Beating Glioblastoma: Researchers Dominic D’Agostino and Tom Seyfried

Saving Dan’s Life…
In April, Dan will have gone three years without the return of glioblastoma. This is unusual, some would even claim highly unusual. I would like to say that my love and the love of his family and friends has been an indomitable shield against the nasty little cancer cells but that would only be partially true.

I think much of Dan’s success is due to a few amazing researchers that took time out of their busy lives to personally advise us on alternative methods for fighting glioblastoma. Doctor Mercola’s newsletter discusses both of these amazing scientist. Dominic D’Agostino out of the University of South Florida and Tom Seyfried, a twenty-five year brain cancer researcher and author of Cancer As a Metabolic Disease have been at the forefront of saving people from this supposedly “terminal” disease. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, this just might be what saves their lives.
Pass it on.